Ron Wakkary


Ron Wakkary is a professor in design in the School of Interactive Arts and Technology, Simon Fraser University in Canada where he founded the Everyday Design Studio ( In addition, he is a professor and Chair of Design for More

Xiao Zhang


Xiao Zhang earned a master’s degree in interaction design from Simon Fraser University. Her educational background is in industrial design. Before moving to Canada, she had participated in diverse industrial product design projects in China. The products include televisions, military

Tiffany Wun


Tiffany is a PhD candidate working under the supervision of Dr. Ron Wakkary. Her research examines developing a more-than-human perspective upon materials and how it might be applied towards sustainable design practice. Tiffany received her Bachelor and Master’s degrees in Computer Science

Jordan Eshpeter


Jordan Eshpeter is a second-year Ph.D. student in the Everyday Design Studio. Under the supervision of Prof. Ron Wakkary, he researches ethics in everyday design practice through a posthuman lens. Jordan has taught interaction and speculative design courses at SIAT. Previously, he led a strategy

Mandeep Mangat

Mandeep Mangat is a Masters of Science student at Simon Fraser University. Under the advisorship of Dr. Ron Wakkary her thesis reinterprets the Buddhist doctrine of impermanence through the lens of unmaking. More broadly, she is interested in converging the

Nazmus Sakib


Nazmus Sakib is a second year Masters student at Everyday Design Studio, where he is pursuing his research in the intersection of speculative design and digital fabrication for biomaterial and multispecies interaction. He completed his Bachelor’s in Architecture degree from

Lauren Thu


Lauren Thu (she/her) is a master of Arts student at Simon Fraser University in the Everyday Design Studio. Her research centers on how design can act as a mediator between humans, nature and technology. She earned her Bachelor of Design (Industrial Design)